Digital Plays

The Year Without Summer

In the near future, after a volcanic eruption causes major environmental changes, an American scientist travels to India to understand the disappearance of a subspecies of butterfly. On this journey, she faces personal choices that will determine her family's future.

The Atlanta PodPlays

The Atlanta PodPlays is a series of walking audio stories that take place throughout Little Five Points. Rather than watching a live performance, you will use earbuds/headphones to listen to the plays on your smartphone as you walk through the neighborhood.

These PodPlays are written specifically for locations in Little Five Points and a narrator will direct you to walk to different places as you listen to the play. This is both an immersive and imminent experience, in which you will hear an audio play and physically explore your surroundings.

To begin, download the SoundCloud app on your smartphone and follow Found Stages Theatre. You can also search for “The Atlanta PodPlays” on SoundCloud. Hit play to stream the PodPlay of your choice, and follow the story from there!